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Juvenile Dragon
Camarillo, California
Its funny when they head bob and arm wave i always catch my male head bobbing in his own viv as he catches hos reflection in the glass

Yeah haha

We had an incident a couple nights ago when my beardie was sitting on my shoulder and my mom's beardie was in the same room and he started head bobbing so fiercely that he was hitting my shoulder and I had to stand up and hold him from going after the other beardie. In the entire year that I've had him that's the 2nd time he's ever turned black and probably the 2nd time I've ever seen him head Bob.


Juvenile Dragon
Leicester, United Kingdom
Mine is a male, we are unsure of the other one because it is too young. part of it is that my beardie has just been alone for so long that he doesn't know how to react.
When they see another bearded dragon that is their natural reaction head bobbing and waving it can be a sign of dominancy or it can be a sign of showing their interest in the other bearded dragon nothing worry about normally at about 6 inchs long u may be able to tell the sex of the beardie ur unsure of took me a while with my female coz she was small for a while then she just had a growth spurt


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The best of friends :)


Juvenile Dragon
Camarillo, California
I guess Z still feels threatened by the other beardie. He's walking around my bed and head bobbing hahaha. :p


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Super Moderator
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Beardie Club
I think she was throwing a bit of a fit because I had just put her back in her tank after having playtime...but that pose OMG! (drama queen?)

Great photo! Maybe we need a thread called "beardies throwing fits" LOL! Dexter is the drama QUEEN in my house!


Juvenile Dragon
Camarillo, California
Does he get a bit grumpy from time to time? And has he been recently?

Up until recently he hasn't displayed much other than the occasional arm waving. Usually he's very calm and mellow except when he wants to explore.
The only other time he had turned black was when I had to shove food in his mouth when he was sick with parasites.
Now I think that he knows there is another beardie around he's a little confused and protective. Lol.


Juvenile Dragon
Leicester, United Kingdom
Up until recently he hasn't displayed much other than the occasional arm waving. Usually he's very calm and mellow except when he wants to explore.
The only other time he had turned black was when I had to shove food in his mouth when he was sick with parasites.
Now I think that he knows there is another beardie around he's a little confused and protective. Lol.
My two were housed togethor in the same viv soon sorted that out he was being really dominant/showing mating behavious and seperated them as quick as i could as im not ready for alod of baby beardies just yet ... I dont have them out togethor but as soon as he catches her if she's roaming around he goes bonkers running into the glass tryig to get out black beard puffed up making himself look like he is the big dog