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why is my bearded dragon head bobbing at everything


Bearded Dragon Egg
hi! I recently adopted an adult male beardie, I got him from a rescue and was told he is 5. The other day he was out exploring like he does everyday and was having random spirits of energy he was running faster than id see him before. After a while of running found a sunny spot and pancaked there for a while, after that had a freak out frankly running around heading bobbing so fast and energetic, I got him in his cage and assumed he was spooked by something he saw in the window. The rest of the night was clunking around hitting everything in his cage bobbing I put a bowl over part of his cage to try and calm him down. Eventually he was just lawing on the ground of his cage pooped didn't move till lights turned off. now today again spooked not as bas but since has had a black beard not puffed up and is head bobbing at everything, me his lights, the window, his thermometer. Its a big head bob and then he speeds up and it is shaking his hole body and his noes it pointed straight up. What is happening? is this territorial or is he ready to mate?


Juvenile Dragon
Beardie Club
I see this happen sometimes, currently it is spring, and if you have lizards outside he might go crazy, territorial against males.


Bearded Dragon Egg
Theres nothing new to him since the head bobbing started, he does it so much he becomes completely pooped. I also think he's in the process of shedding is it normal for them to be agitated like that? also when he is having these episodes (today he was at it for a couple hours) should I try and calm him down (I always leave him and never interrupt or try and take him out of the cage) with a blanket over his cage or something or is it ok to let him just do it in till her wears himself out?