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My beardie is bleeding


Hatchling Dragon
So many trials and errors with rescue Smalls. Small update, Smalls now loves her veggies, she is a slightly vicious eater and not to crazy about bath time. Her lights are all new within the last couple months, temps are right, calcium intake regular she even laid her infertile eggs! I noticed last week that her little chin was raw and bloody, obviously from rubbing. I was out of town for 3 days (my husband was in charge) and when I got home yesterday to clean the tanks I noticed there was blood all over the glass, her little chin is all messed up. I don't know what is going on our why she is rubbing her chin raw. Help!


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poor little girl !! so many trials. and -- you too !! The rubbing may be a nervous disorder (like dogs when the chew a spot) - or, she may want out of the tank to love on ya!! is she rubbing all over or - just in one area? i'm thinking a little neosporin on her chin and some vaseline on the glass - to help her slide across the glass as opposed to rubbing ON the glass. hard to bandage the area. Noella is looking for some beardie Prozac for her little Maya - maybe she could share? what kind of insects is she eating and how often? maybe get her belly full to slow her down a bit (like after Thanksgiving dinner) Hope someone else can chip in ---


Bearded Dragon Egg
Sounds like she wants to come out.May help to get her out for hold or explore .Bathing also helps.Mine do the same and always want to come out when someone is about.They are generally free roaming.
May also just be a shed issue.

Ben Rivera

Hatchling Dragon
I think it may be a shedding issue too. My Gina is doing the same but I have a log that is a cork material so it's not as harsh when she rubs her chin thus no bleeding.


Bearded Dragon Egg
Their not the most subtle animals mine are always running head first into the glass or when doors.Possible she grazed her chin.Which is the same as a shed issue.These lizards are hardy little devils, people do tend to panic for no reason. I was the same at first to be honest.As long as the basic care is provided & their eating & pooing, they tend to react well to enjoy human interaction. Mine hate being ignored and will sulk if not interacted with.


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Beardie Club
Luci used to rub on his tank too. He has never made himself bleed but he has a dark spot on his little snout like it's bruised or callused. He would do it because he wanted out of his tank so i would usually take him out and let him run fee. This past month hes been going through a whole body shed so hes been a little sad.

I would clean your girls would with diluted betadine and put some triple antibiotic ointment on it and let her out for some free time if you can.


Hatchling Dragon
Ok.... :)
I'm quite familiar with beardies, Smalls is just exhibiting unusual behavior. Both of our dragons get out and are allowed to free roam within the house and when time permits I take each of my beardies outside individually so they have their own time.

Smalls does have a log to rub on and she did complete a shed about a week ago. She seems to only be "rubbing" or trying to get out when no one is home... I'm sure she is fine, I lined her side windows with soft pillow cases today and she didn't seem to have any fresh blood in the tank. I will just have to keep a watchful eye :bd:


Bearded Dragon Egg
Sure she'll be fine their like kids really always keeping you on your toes.I think the most important thing for any beardie is love & human interaction (& obviously the basics).They seem to thrive on it. Sad thing is in the UK is the amount that get bought & once the novelty wears off, get forgot about. I've rescue a fair few that with proper care & interaction have had a new lease of life. Unfortunately some irresponsible owners leave it to late.Annoying thing is if it was a dog or cat you could report for animal abuse.I always make sure when I rehome they go to knowledgeable owners.My two are treated like the cat (who they pester to death) & have the run of the house when we're about.Thats rewarding in its self.Its nice to know that the people on this forum
are knowledgeable & not afraid to ask for advice.


Hatchling Dragon
Sure she'll be fine their like kids really always keeping you on your toes.I think the most important thing for any beardie is love & human interaction (& obviously the basics).They seem to thrive on it. Sad thing is in the UK is the amount that get bought & once the novelty wears off, get forgot about. I've rescue a fair few that with proper care & interaction have had a new lease of life. Unfortunately some irresponsible owners leave it to late.Annoying thing is if it was a dog or cat you could report for animal abuse.I always make sure when I rehome they go to knowledgeable owners.My two are treated like the cat (who they pester to death) & have the run of the house when we're about.Thats rewarding in its self.Its nice to know that the people on this forum
are knowledgeable & not afraid to ask for advice.
It is quite upsetting that people don't take care of these sweet little souls. There is a wonderful Reptile store in my area where I get all of my bugs and she takes in every abandoned Reptile and snake if someone can't take care of them. The Reptile store has a new guy today who was very irritated and missing a couple toes :( if I could take them all home and adopt them out to good loving homes I would... But I would never be able to part with them :p thank you for your kind words and for doing such a great job at loving the beardies