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Can someone give me advice?


Bearded Dragon Egg
Hey! I just made an account here after hearing about it from TortoiseForum mostly to ask for advice on 2 things.
I have had my beardie about a month so he's not an adult.
But anyways, my brother got his bearded dragon a little after me, and when he got him he was MUCH smaller than my Whiskers. Now he weighs more. I'm really worried because he looks really skinny when I go to feed him compared to Steve (my bro's beardie). I feed him small crickets each day. Whiskers (my beardie) won't eat any veggies or fruits--and believe me, I tried. I gave him most of the stuff they say beardies like! I tried making a salad and sprinkling mealworms on it and he just ate a few mealworms and was done. Anyways, sometimes he looks really thin and sometimes he looks really round. Is there anything I should know about that. And also, do any of y'all have any tips for getting beardies to eat veggies?
:bd: Kenzi


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1,000+ Post Club
Beardie Club
Do you have a picture of your beardie? Your tank set up? Don't get too freaked out over the size difference, every bearded dragon grows at a different rate. Some like your brothers start out smaller and then get a growth spurt. As far as the veggies go, offer them every day and try a variety. Baby dragons don't often eat greens right away so don't stress about that they need more protein at this age anyway. I have a 2 1/2 year old that won't eat greens. I make sure he bugs have eaten the greens so she gets the nutrition from them.


Juvenile Dragon
Clarksville, Tennessee
I've been learning that some dragons are just smaller than others, too. I just adopted a 4 year old that's lighter than my juvenile and a full 200 grams lighter than my 2 year old.


Bearded Dragon Egg
Here's his current setup. Sorry the pics are really blurry!! He has UVB and heat I just forgot to show it in the picture.


Juvenile Dragon
Clarksville, Tennessee
I don't know if it's my phone, or Tapatalk, or what, but I can't see the pictures.

My phone has been playing up a bit, so I'm not prepared to rule out problems on my end.


Bearded Dragon Egg
I don't know why. Whiskers is in a 50 gallon National Geographic terrarium. He has a peice of grapewood to climb on as well as 2 fake plants. He also has a water dish that's always full. He's on repticarpet too.


Juvenile Dragon
Clarksville, Tennessee
I don't know that this has any bearing on the current situation, but I recommend removing the water bowl. Beardies generally get their moisture from their food and don't typically notice standing water.

All it's liable to do is raise the humidity in the tank, which could potentially cause respiratory problems later.

I just mist mine a couple times a week. Or bathe them.


Bearded Dragon Egg
I don't know that this has any bearing on the current situation, but I recommend removing the water bowl. Beardies generally get their moisture from their food and don't typically notice standing water.

All it's liable to do is raise the humidity in the tank, which could potentially cause respiratory problems later.

I just mist mine a couple times a week. Or bathe them.
I have seen him drinking out of it quite a lot. I keep it away from the heat lamp and it seems fine to me. I also bathe him about once a week or so.


Super Moderator
Staff member
1,000+ Post Club
Beardie Club
That's great that he drinks from the water bowl. Dexter looks at her bowl like she wants to drink out of it and then just looks to me to drip it on her nose. She's a little spoiled. Why do something yourself when momma will do it for you!