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Worried about behavior


Bearded Dragon Egg
Alright so, I've had this boy for 2 weeks, he's been eating bugs, using the bathroom regularly, the usual dragon stuff all seemed fine.

However, the last 2 days he has been acting strange. I've noticed his tail is grayed and looks like it is ready to start a shed.

But he isn't eating at all (normal I've read), and he doesn't appear to be sleeping anymore.

He only wants to chill on his basking spot, soak up that UVB and do nothing else.

Is this.... normal? Or should I continue to freak out.


Bearded Dragon Veteran
3 Year Member
Is it the whole tail changing color or just part of it?
Please get pics if possible, it might end up being some kind of damage/infection in the tail. You might also want to make sure you have a good UVB bulb and check for any kind of respiratory infection or vitamin deficiency. See if the lethargy, loss of appetite, and tail issue are related to narrow it down a bit.


Bearded Dragon Egg
Is it the whole tail changing color or just part of it?
Please get pics if possible, it might end up being some kind of damage/infection in the tail. You might also want to make sure you have a good UVB bulb and check for any kind of respiratory infection or vitamin deficiency. See if the lethargy, loss of appetite, and tail issue are related to narrow it down a bit.
It is the entire tail, uvb is brand new, he gets plenty of powder. He isn't lethargic he just WANTS to sunbathe constantly. He's very active outside his enclosure.

And I did FINALLY get him to sleep, I have to allow him to fall asleep on me and then put him back in


Bearded Dragon Veteran
3 Year Member
1,000+ Post Club
Can you post pics of the tail please and areas of concern your asking about?


Juvenile Dragon
3 Year Member
Alright so, I've had this boy for 2 weeks, he's been eating bugs, using the bathroom regularly, the usual dragon stuff all seemed fine.

However, the last 2 days he has been acting strange. I've noticed his tail is grayed and looks like it is ready to start a shed.

But he isn't eating at all (normal I've read), and he doesn't appear to be sleeping anymore.

He only wants to chill on his basking spot, soak up that UVB and do nothing else.

Is this.... normal? Or should I continue to freak out.
Do u have the Reptisun 10.0 T5 for UVB? The length should be covering at least 70 prcnt of the tank beginning at the Hot side? Also, a ZooMed basking bulb with digital thermometer & a digital Hygometer. Digital ones are the only accurate ones. They are $8-10 each. Humidity should be 30-40 never ever higher. And temps for a baby Beardie up to 4mnths old should be around 105-107. After that 95-100. I keep it at 98-100 for my adults. Also NO colored bulbs ever it burns their eyes. Do u have a log hide or a basking platform with a hide so he can get away from the uvb when he wants? A bowl of water and veggies/greens placed on the cold side & at this age you feed 4-5 times a day small crickets and Dubia roaches only feed till they stop eating. Never ever do pellets or meal worms it destroys their tummy. When he is almost a year and a half u can add super worms. When he’s 4 months and older u feed 4 times a day; maybe go bigger hugs just not bigger than the space between his eyes and when he is 7mnths u feed 3times (50-60 crickets a day mediums maybe larges) feed crickets the size of the space between their eyes never larger, till he is 1.5 years of age then it’s 20-25 large crickets a day and or Dubias plus lots of veggies and greens. U always do the mixed veggies & greens if u don’t train him as a baby they will never eat it as they are juveniles or adults don’t make that mistake. U can hand feed to some sample veggies/greens to bond w/him then dice it all into teeny pieces & Mix it and place it in the cold side next to his water. As he gets older 7mnths or so bigger pieces. As a Rule of thumb give him a plate of veggies one hour after basking/waking up. Show it to him & shake it & place it in the cage. Only feed the everyday staple ones: Dandelions, mustard, collard greens, endives, yellow squash, butternut squash, snap peas & green beans. Mix 2-3 of each so he gets a variety. When older he won’t eat it cuz it’s unfamiliar some Beardies most are fussy like that so introduce it now;) Never ever feed spinach, kale or lettuce & never ever do mealworms or pellets. Stick to crickets & Dubia roaches best proteins ever alongside always the greens/veggies. Also, baths 2-3 times per week in dechlorinated water only for drinking & bathing. U can buy reptisafe online or petsores u place a few drops in the water & it removes the chlorine instantly. 15min or more in lukewarm water then pat him dry w/a soft cloth & place him under the heat lamp. U can do more baths when shedding it relieves the itching & helps with the skin shedding. Never ever peel it let it fall on its own. Also a spray bottle with dechlorinated water & u can most him a few times a day they love it;) at nite no light at all. They like pure dark. If temp at nite falls below 80 as a baby or below 70 as a juvenile adult (8mnths plus) place a 60’watt ceramic heat emitter which emits heat but no light & place it on the side of the tank he sleeps on to the right or left of his body cuz it gets warm.


Hatchling Dragon
If the tail does not start shedding in the next few days, I would schedule a vet appointment just in case. Also check back in here :)


Juvenile Dragon
3 Year Member
Alright so, I've had this boy for 2 weeks, he's been eating bugs, using the bathroom regularly, the usual dragon stuff all seemed fine.

However, the last 2 days he has been acting strange. I've noticed his tail is grayed and looks like it is ready to start a shed.

But he isn't eating at all (normal I've read), and he doesn't appear to be sleeping anymore.

He only wants to chill on his basking spot, soak up that UVB and do nothing else.

Is this.... normal? Or should I continue to freak out.
Hi; Did u read my post of info? We rescue and rehome. The graying is potential shedding give him more han 2baths per week it will help the shed and the uncomfortableness. Has to be dechlorinated water like warm 15/min baths or longer. Buy reptisafe it’s drips u place in the water to kill the chlorine. U need the Reptisun 10.0 T5 for UVB it’s the best recommend sand only one that provides the best Uvb this uvb needs replacing every 6mnths and the ZooMed basking bulb for heat. In the summer u leave both on for 12-14 hours. In the winter 10-12 hours/day. At nite u shut it all off and pure dark at nite for sleeping. Some people have destroyed dragons by leaving lights on 24/7. That’s a big No. also he may be over calciumed; if u don’t have the proper uvb he can’t breakdiwn and absorb the calcium cuz he has no vitamin D. Calcium powder only 3-4 times a week lightly dusted so that the crickets are lightly powdered not over powdered. If he’s making bubbling noises and breathing fast/hard thats a respiratory infection needs a reptile vet rite away and will be given 3doses of antibiotics and he will be cured. Wrong temps/wrong humidity causes an URInfection. The humidity cannot be over 40pecnt should be 30-40 only and thenometer and Hygometer should be he digital ones they are the only accurate ones. $10 each. And don’t ever get water in his ears that causes a RInfection too.

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