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Vivarium Lighting

Andy Usher

Bearded Dragon Egg
3 Year Member
Hi I have a question about changing my Beardies lighting set up.
My current set up is a 4foot viv with an Arcadia Desert 10% UV tube running the full length above the doors with a full length reflector fitted behind it.
My heat source is from a 100watt Exxo Terra Sun Glo spot lamp hanging from the top of the viv at the hot end and controlled by a High Range Habistat giving me a basking area of 107degrees, a hot end of 92degrees and a cool end of 82degrees.

My problem is, as the spot lamp in current use is so large the basking area has to be quite low in the viv making the distance between the basking area and UV light rather large.
I have a high perch in the cool end, but he seems to spend more time in the cool end near the UV than he does basking.
My plan is to use two directional GU10 halogen lamps to give him two basking spots, one which will be higher and allow him to get close to the UV and one which will be further away from the UV, I will have a similar setup at the cool end.

My question is, Are the GU10 40watt eco halogen bulbs they sell in B&Q, Homebase etc, ok to use for my basking heat source, or is there a special GU10 bulb that I should use?

Sorry for being so long winded.