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Bearded Dragon Egg
Hello. Just wanted to introduce my self a bit. My name is Addison. Im 16 and from Arizona. I do not actually own a beardie,... yet ;). My friend has a awesome red Italian leather back. I go to his house everyday just to see it. I know this might sound weird but, i am afraid to ask my mom if i can get one My friend brought him over one time and my mother flipped out!!! Now i dont know if there is any hope :(. however i joined this fourm to get info to share with her on how great of pets they are. give me some tips so i can persuade her to let me own a beardie of my own.


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Hi Addison. I have always been creeped out about reptile and bugs so it amazes me that I have a beardie. We read lots of books to learn how to care for them, and how their temperament would be. I'm not saying that your mom should read a book but that maybe you could and relay the facts to her. Your friend can maybe bring his by your house and she can get used to it. Let her touch it and see that the spikes are actually soft and there's really nothing sharp on them. It might not work but its worth a shot!

There's also an great expense involved in getting one and she might not be ready to take that on. Also, think about your future. You are 16 years old are you going to go to college? Dragons can live 10 years what will happen if you go away to school or you move to an apartment that won't allow reptiles? Sorry to sound negative but these are things nobody thinks about when the get a reptile.


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Hi, welcome to the forums. I would personally go to her with a "plan". First you will want to show her responsibility by researching every angle ex: cost of every component, how you intend on paying for it, upkeep and cost, how to care for the animal, etc...

If she does not want this under any circumstance. You may have to wait till you are on your own to own one.

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