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Can't wait until summer!


Bearded Dragon Egg
3 Year Member
oh man I can't wait until it's summer time! I was reading the general care site, and we are totally going on walks... I live in this complex that's partially on a nature preserve, and it's awesome and foresty with sidewalks... it's going to be awesome ;) It turns into summer right around March here and lasts until October! :D What about riding in the car? Do beardies like that too?

Any leash recommendations?


Bearded Dragon Egg
3 Year Member
I've heard the ferret leashes work well (http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?pcatid=17383 or http://www.ferret.com/Search.aspx?query=leash). You just have to make sure that they don't squeeze their sides at all because it can affect their breathing. I've also seen some videos on YouTube of people making them at home.

I'm excited for summer, too, because it will actually be warm enough to take Sal outside ~ there's only about 3 months here in Oregon that it's above 85F. We plan on getting one of those plastic kiddie pool things and putting a shallow amount of warm water in it (or letting the sun warm it) on the really hot days and putting it out on the patio in half shade, half sun. We're going to put a basking rock in it, too, so he can get out of the water if he wants. Obviously, only when we're out there to observe him (and someone has to be the bug catcher, right, otherwise he'll eat any that land in the pool! :D)


Bearded Dragon Egg
3 Year Member
Aww that sounds like fun!!! I can't wait :D Of course when you have your patio set up, you'll have to post pics! ;)

Stephanie is a Rockstar

Bearded Dragon Egg
3 Year Member
Lola doesn't mind the car. She gets really dark while in the car, but as soon as we are out she brightens right up. I keep her on her leash and put her on my shoulder so she can peek out the window, but feel secure at the same time.


Hatchling Dragon
3 Year Member
I know this post is old but i just wanted to say that i also take out my vannie during the summer. i dont use the leash she does not like it and stays on my shoulder or on my lap. and my vannie loves the car we take her out to the pet stores shes a big hit.