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Beardy hasnt eatin crickets daily


Hatchling Dragon
3 Year Member
surrey BC
I just picked up my girl today she is 3 year old approx, and the previous owners fed her 6 crickets once or twice a week and greens were fed daily, she is very small for her age , And at first I thought she had a scar on her side possibly a burn but after looking at her closly its extra skin iv never seen this , however vet ok'd her she is healthy . Any advice as to feeding I dont want to upset her routine as this has been her feeding schedule the past 2years but she should eat more crickets right? I added some fresh peas to her salad and she has been eating those witch surprised me as she has only been home a couple hours now i didnt expect her to eat so soon.


Juvenile Dragon
3 Year Member
1,000+ Post Club
Wow, 6 crickets a WEEK??? That is insane.

Ok, salad should be offered daily. For a beardie that old, protein is typically offered every other day. They can eat anywhere from 10 - 25. It depends on their appetite. Since your beardie has been on her routine, you may want to consider slowly increasing the diet. But if your beardie shows that she is eating hungrily, put more in.

That is great news that she ate her salad.

Did you take her to the vet or are you going by previous owner's word?


Hatchling Dragon
3 Year Member
surrey BC
I took her on the way home tomake sure she didnt have worms or something which would make it even harder to put weight on her, she is small so im hopin to be able to put weight on her, she had a salad the old owners made her before she left but it was just lettuce so I made her a new one with peas, plums, greens and small amount of nectarine and she loved it, they also werent using thermometers and it feels on the cool side to me so ill have to go tomorrow and get some so i can tell the temp, for now i stacked her rocks higher so she can get closer to the light and she is sitting up there now,
I have noticed though her beard getting dark tonight i forgot what the color changes mean so perhaps one of you could help me with that. Does anyone know if I gether a proper set up larger than the one she is in get the heat adjusted right and get her on a proper diet will she grow at all or at 2-3 years are they done and will she be stunted for good now?
And I agree about 6 crickets being insane I remember feeding my last beardy when he was a juvey he ate more than that and was only the size of her tail , she needs way more than that, Im going to try 6-10 crickets a day for the 1stweek and see how she does with it I dont want to over load her too much since she isnt used to it.
Thanks to all who have been helping refresh my memory and give added advice , much appreciated im sure I will be on here alot asking for more and giving updates how my girl "Sugar" is doing. She came with a japanese name that we couldnt remember or pronounce nor liked and Sugar just suited her so thats what were going with.


Hatchling Dragon
3 Year Member
surrey BC
I actually just got a chance to check out her lights , been a busy day and the uvb is ok but her basking light they had a 100 watt house bulb in there no wonder it isnt hot enough, safe to say I'll be doing a pet store run tomorrow for a bulb, crickets, thermometer lol the list keeps growing oh and calcium and vitamins.lol


Bearded Dragon Egg
3 Year Member
i use household bulbs for basking and they work fine. if it's not hot enough try increaseing the wattage of the bulb.


Juvenile Dragon
3 Year Member
1,000+ Post Club
Wow. Thank goodness you took Sugar under your care. Lettuce doesn't have too many nutrients for this poor thing. The Bearded Dragon Care link I gave you has a list of good veggies and greens. For staples, use snow peas, peppers (any color), butternut squash, squash to name a few. For greens, collard greens, mustard greens, carrot tops, broccoli leaves (on stems) to name a few.

I'm not certain about her growth. Without proper lighting and heat and with her age, it is difficult to say if she will grow more.


Hatchling Dragon
3 Year Member
surrey BC
OK today she has slowed down hasnt eaten anything although has had a big BM this morning, her salad remains un touched and the boyfriend bought her some crickets today and she hasnt touched them either, i took her out earlier and she was alot more active {took her out in the sun its gorgeous out here today} However still refuses to eat, her beard is still dark not as black as it was last night I assumed last night that she was soaking up uv rays so that explained the color however it is still darker than normal today. Im going to give her a bath in a bit and see if that helps apparently she loves her baths. Is this behaviour normal for relocation stress? never takin in a beardy at her age before. Any advice as to what i could offer her to get her to eat? Not overly worried today but if she doesnt eat in the next day or 2 I will be.


Juvenile Dragon
3 Year Member
1,000+ Post Club
It does sound like relo stress. It can last anywhere from a couple of days to 2 weeks. Remember that she was only fed 6 crickets a week. So, don't get discouraged. She needs to recognize that she needs to eat more.

You may want to cosider other proteins like phoenix worms, silkworms or roaches.


Hatchling Dragon
3 Year Member
surrey BC
thanks I will look into getting some for her. We just finished her bath and she really perked up started flicking water at me with her tail and she likes the tap left dripping she kept running under it and sticking her head in there. She played for quite awhile until she ruined her bath water lol. then had some snuggle time in a warm towel. Was nice seeing her actual color she has calcium sand as her substrate from the last owner i hate that stuff turns her red and stinks I will be changing to tiles as soon as she has some time to adjust didnt want to switch too much at once.
She is in her cage and seems more alert and is at her salad hopefully she takes some , looks like ill be catching crickets soon though if she doesnt decide to eat them lol FUN!!!!!


Juvenile Dragon
3 Year Member
1,000+ Post Club
Lol...sounds like a good bath time!

I'm going back and forth with switching her substrate out. It could cause her stress twice in a row. Once she gets comfy and then you change on her again. It could be double stress. Just some food for thought.

I think I would make the changes and let her adjust all at once. If it bothers you, you could leave one of the corners sand....let her have her familiar stuff along with the new stuff.