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Almost bonded..


Bearded Dragon Veteran
3 Year Member
1,000+ Post Club
I went to the petstore today to see if I could get more items for the baby. I went over to the juvenile beardies to get a hint on their basking spot. There were two boys and they started to grab the bearded dragons out of their tanks. They grabbed one and he started to try to get out of their hands. I told them to give him to me because and they did. The poor dear was so scared, he tried to get out of my hands too. Then I started to pet him under his beard and his head. He started to calm down and started to look around. The poor dear looked at me and I told the boys you need to be gentle and easy with them. They left after a while and I held onto the poor dear. I let him look at me and I talked to him. He gave me a beardie grin. I started to talk to him and told him I was going to let him go back into his tank. I placed him on the basking spot and he looked up at me. Let me pet him and everything. He was a Sandfire Red. Very beautiful. I almost bonded with him, but they're so expensive.


Hatchling Dragon
New Jersey
This is one reason why I won't hold anything in a pet store. I'll pet the cats up for adoption but that is it. I'm cautious when I hold things at shows too. I only hold if either I might buy or if I know there is no way I can justify bringing the animal home. The last show I went to I did handle a yellowtail cribo (snake) and I would've taken it home if I had a spare couch-size enclosure. Cribos are on my list of "before I die" animals and I really fell for this one but big active snakes are just not going to be good apartment pets. Anyway, those sandfire reds are beautiful and they get better with age. Maybe check out a show. Prices are usually much better there than at petstores and a lot of times you can suss out the breeders to make sure they know what they are doing. I feel that good amount of pet stores don't keep the animals properly and with delicate babies it could be better to get them direct from the person who was so passionate about the animal as to devote themselves to it fully (breeder).


Staff member
3 Year Member
1,000+ Post Club
Redlands, CA
It's always tough to hold these beautiful animals without feeling connected to them! I, too, have to avoid handling animals at stores and shows because then I'll come home with them!!


Bearded Dragon Veteran
3 Year Member
Beardie Club
Aw i no i cnt help but have a hold i wish i cud have a huge house with a huge room just for beardies id have loadsa n loadsa :) its the eyes they have special powers to make u want them :)


Super Moderator
Staff member
1,000+ Post Club
Beardie Club
I always look but don't touch! The only one that I just HAD to hold was the old beardie the pet store had for sale. He was about 20" and he looked huge! I got sad when I held him though because Dexter felt heavier than he did and then I felt guilty I couldn't buy him and take him home :(


Bearded Dragon Veteran
3 Year Member
1,000+ Post Club
I was just rescuing him from some rowdy kids. They would've dropped him and I didn't want to see him hurt.


Bearded Dragon Veteran
3 Year Member
1,000+ Post Club
He was looking at me but there was no bond or anything yet. He would have to climb up on my chest and sit. It was like a thank you for calming me. Now put me back into my viv with my brother or sister.