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Recent content by Duane Howell

  1. Duane Howell

    superworm beetles

    Ok thanks for that info. Will give it a try. If I can get him of his new perch I put in his tank lol. Since putting it in he hasn't come of it. He even falls asleep on it. The only time he gets of is to take a poo. Then he will come up against the glass. Bumps a few times and waits to be taken...
  2. Duane Howell

    superworm beetles

    Bee pollen? Ill try that. My uncle a bee farmer. Will try get some today. Yesterday I offered him a few greens and he ate it. Was so happy. Maybe after 8 years he decided to eats some hahahaa
  3. Duane Howell

    superworm beetles

    Tried that.... even made veggie bugs with stems as legs and dragged them around too. No luck hahahaha
  4. Duane Howell

    superworm beetles

    Larry also goes for the bugs in his salad, but spits all out when he gets the taste of the veggies. And where I stay kale and dandelion are hard to get hold of. I have never seen it in shops. tried some I picked from the veld, but didn't even have a go at it. He comes and asks for food. But as...
  5. Duane Howell

    superworm beetles

    Seems we got the same problem. I have tried loads of stuff except for starving him. I have tried a huge variety of greens and fruit. Tried making them move to "seem" alive, even cut them to look like bugs hahaha. I've put baby purity on them. Sprinkled them with vitamin powder, let them float...
  6. Duane Howell

    superworm beetles

    I've noticed the superworms do have a smell to them. But he seems to like them. If he can eat only supers he will eat them all day long hahahaha. At the moment I'm trying to get him to eat less of them. I.ve got a very picky eater. So it has been a struggle. He hates greens and almost never...
  7. Duane Howell

    superworm beetles

    I've also read that. Maybe its just my nose, but I've never smelled anything. He usually spits out the food he doesn't like. But goes mad for them. Got so many of them. maybe I must start breeding them hahaha.
  8. Duane Howell

    superworm beetles

    Was thinking the same thing. Mine is 8 years old. I have tried giving him larvae, but he spits it out after the first bite hahaha. Even the small meal worm larvae he doesn't like. I have been giving him the beetles as soon as they have emerged and still soft. haven't had any problems with them...
  9. Duane Howell

    superworm beetles

    Hi hello all. Was wondering how safe superworm beetles are to Bearded dragons? Does anybody feed their dragons these? Or has anybody had bad experiences with feeding their dragons superworm beetles? I have read a few posts on other sites with mixed responses. Was also wondering which is harder...
  10. Duane Howell

    snout issues

  11. Duane Howell

    snout issues

    Yes me to. He is almost fully recovered. Sutures still in, but will come out on his next shed. And two more days of soft diet then I can introduce veggies and live food again.
  12. Duane Howell

    Not eating

    As far as I know spinach binds to the calcium. And therefore the calcium cant be absorbed by your beardie. Having spinach as a staple can cause some problems like metabolic bone disease. I don't think you've messed him up by giving it to him. Some people do give spinach to their dragons as it is...
  13. Duane Howell

    snout issues

    took him for a check-up, had x rays done to see the condition of his bones....... turned out he had more in his stomach than food. a 10 cent coin (that's about same size as a penny for the people that doesn't know south African currency) was found stuck in between his stomach and intestine...
  14. Duane Howell

    snout issues

    Just to let you guys now how his snout is doing. I had to take Larry to a specialist vet to have a emergency gastrostomy. Had the vet check out the snout at the same time. I'm so relieved that his snout issue had come from chronic snout rubbing and not any infection of any sorts. He will have...
  15. Duane Howell

    snout issues

    Ok so I've been monitoring his snout issue closely for the past few days. Its starting to "peel" of layer by layer. Not like a normal shed. Its just the one big scale involved and seems to me was from all the snout rubbing "bumping" during his life. It looks like "impacted" shed and is starting...