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  • Hi I am new to this site...Worried about Pablo my breaded dragon....I have had him for about a year and lately all he wants to do is sleep all the time ...not active.....and now he barely eats...Is he in .hibernation
    Trying to figure out what's going on with my bearded dragon. I've had her 5 yrs no problems! Now she has a patch on her belly. Took her to exotic vet they dont know.
    Hello I'm new my baby is 2mos I've had Oli for 3 days now at 1st baby was eating 10 crickets and yestruday ate only 2 all day & this morning I offered crickets and my baby turned away and went back to the rock I'm worried is this normal behavior? Temps are correct baby lives in a 40 gallon tank. Please help thank you
    When I searched for beardeddragon.co in here your name came up alot I was looking at getting my stuff from them. Do you use there multi vitamins and calcium, if so D3 or without?
    just got my first ever adult bearded dragon a week ago today. he is in a 40gal breeder tank with a double light one bulb being a red heat bulb for night time the other is a 3 in 1 heat/uva/uvb bulb He's not digesting the superworms properly so I'm assuming the temps may be off. The hot spot in his basking area is at 114 the rest of warm area is 90-95 cool side 75-85
    He's also getting dark and sleeping all day. I'm not sure if it's him hibernating cuz it's still winter weather here in Ohio something worse
    Heather R Barrett
    Heather R Barrett
    You need the long tube light. I have a screens on my tank so use the Arcadia one T5. I think that's spelled right. Ha
    Heather R Barrett
    Heather R Barrett
    You should get the long tube as soon as possible. Only will take a few days for your baby to feel better. The T8 does not go through a screen. That one has to be under anything to work. The T5 will go through that's why I suggest that one.

    I’ve had my baby Beardie for about 4 weeks he has never had stress spots before and all of a sudden he has them on his belly and Chin. It seems he only has it when he is in his enclosure, but nothing has changed... so i don’t know what’s happening. Please help, i want my baby to be ok.
    Hello, I have a female beardie and was wondering what to use for an emergency lay box substrate?
    Heather R Barrett
    Heather R Barrett
    Substrate is not good to use at all. They can swallow it and could cause impaction. Try sand and some potting soil and wet it just a bit. Take it out after she is done. Only put it in when she starts digging like shes going to lay.
    Heather R Barrett
    Heather R Barrett
    Sand isnt good either for everyday flooring which is why you only use when she has to lay.
    Hey im a new juvenile bearded dragon owner and i was wondering why her poop is black and white can you help me out?
    Heather R Barrett
    Heather R Barrett
    What is she eating? Does it have the white at the end of it? Is it normal or runny?
    OK, so i have a 2 and a half month old baby beardy, i am currently feeding him his veggies and the pinhead crickets, but the crickets are adult size. He seems to be dong fine, his poo is okay and he is acting normal. This is my first time raising one so i was wondering if you could give me some advice. Please and thank you. If you could email me at [email protected]. I am open to any advice.
    Pinhead are tiny crickets so what you are saying is that you feed him adult crickets? You just need to make sure that whatever you are feeding him is no wider than the space between his eyes.
    Hey so I just got my dragon a 10.00 uvb 24 inch, had the coil bulbs before and he was closing one eye and didn’t look good read into it and heard they have a lot of problems. Was wondering if you would be able to help me with the proper mounting height
    Sorry, I just saw this. You want to mount the UVB as high up over head in the tank as you can. You don't want the light to shine in their eyes. They have a ridge over the eye that protects them from the light shining from overhead.
    Heather R Barrett
    Heather R Barrett
    There is a height requirement for that light. If you have a screen you have to have the T5 light. The T8 does not go through anything not even glass properly.
    Isn't pregnancy also what makes beardies "glass dance"?
    I didn't even realize people were posting on my wall, I do apologize for the late response. I don't really know why they glass dance. My boy did it for 3 years. His tank was clean and he had stuff to do in it, I took him out for free time every time I was home but he still ran the tank as soon as he was in it. He eventually stopped about a year ago but I couldn't really figure out what his problem was.
    Hello. I’m excited to be a part of the group. We have 2 beautiful beardies. A boy and a girl

    I believe we were finally able to determine their sex. Until now we had their sex mixed up. We named Lizza because we thought he was a girl and Lightening because we thought she was a boy.

    I think we need to switch their names. Do beardies recognize their names? Will changing their names confuse them?
    Welcome! I would say that they recognize the sound in you saying their name, it's not necessarily the name itself. My oldest girl is named Dexter because we were hoping for a boy and my boy is named Luci. We kept the names just because they just fit them. They don't care that it's a boy or girl name.
    Heather R Barrett
    Heather R Barrett
    My beardie recognizes her name for sure. I have had her for 5 yrs though
    Help my beardie well i think he is dead he is asleep but not breathing from what i can see and he is basically standing up. Im afraid my baby is dead!
    Is he stiff and cold is he in broomation? Does he have a Dr. Call a Dr near by! Or call his! That poor Baby!!
    Heather R Barrett
    Heather R Barrett
    Did you figure out if your beardie is ok?
    We just purchased a bearded dragon & it's about 4 months old. We currently have it in a 40 gallon tank. Is this okay? What is the proper lighting for it?
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    40 gallon is perfect he should have a heat lamp and a uv, ultra violet lamp right OVER his rock, the other side should be cooler. sounds like your doing things right make sure you have a temp gage it should be between 90 an 110 on the hot side and around 80 on the cooler side were you would have their water and food and a hamick.
    Heather R Barrett
    Heather R Barrett
    Make sure you have the long tube light. A lot of people dont realize the 3 in 1 is not enough. Also the T5 is the only one that will go through screen and stuff if you use a cover make sure its mounted under the cover for a light other than the T5. Then you need a night light I leave mine on round the clock. Also a heat light. There are proper measurements for the lights
    I hear you have some heat blanket recommendations. Please share. Thanks
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    I have a heated throw blanket that I got from Target for about 30 bucks. It's always on my couch for my old cat to sit on but Dexter likes to lay on it too when she's out of her tank. I just make sure it's on low and I keep checking her to make sure she's not getting real hot.
    Hi Patsy could you change my sex to female on my information. i could not figure out how to change it and I noticed I have male down :/
    I see you were able to change it. Sorry I didn't see this message sooner.
    Hello i recently bought a beardie from the reptile expo in tinley. He is so scared of us right now. Ive had him for a few minths now. When i first got him i had no problem picking him up now im scared because hes scared. Do you knkw of anyone that does house calls? I need someone to come teach me how to handle him properly
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    Do you have a vet for him? It would be in both your best interest to call a vet they'll. Be more the happy to guide yoy. The baby may scared because they can scene your fear.
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